About Me

It’s hard to sum up my blog concisely, as I write about a variety of topics. My blog’s name is a nod to my Jewish faith, the importance and meaning of which I’m still trying to figure out, and my Scottish heritage through marriage, as my husband and I have visited the country several times and are seriously considering putting down roots there. I’ve lived in Bristol, England, and Tzfat, Israel, and I’m a traveler at heart, but for now, my feet are firmly planted in central New Jersey.

Rachel L. MacAulayI am a freelance writer, editor, proofreader, social media manager, blogger and project manager, all rolled into one.  You can find me editing and/or writing for Scripted, AutismAwareness.com, SimpliFaster, and FutureCycle Press, for now. Somehow, I also find time for a husband, two kids, a beagle and two cats, while trying to change the world one small effort at a time.

Please navigate through the menu above to find my articles on parenting, my flash fiction and poetry, my travel logs and my general musings. Thanks for visiting!

~Rachel L. MacAulay