Contemplating Creepy

CreepyI’ve never considered writing horror stories, but I must admit that I had perhaps too much fun participating in this horror writing challenge last year. I’ve just been asked to participate in a modified version of the challenge this year, and so I’ve been contemplating what exactly is creepy to me. Continue reading

Pandora’s Box of Horrors (A horror writing exercise)

The requirements: Write a story of 500 words or less using this list of horrors supplied by individual writers in a Facebook Women’s Writer’s Group. (My word was Alzheimer’s, as you might have guessed).

Laundry, Shh, Spiders, Failure, Assault, Moist, Slice!, Exhole (as in “ass-hole ex”), Freakotomy, Disco, Underground, Procrastination, Stoic, Writing, Parasitic, Boredom, Suffocating, Rats, Bbbbbreathe, Procrastination, Politics, Failure, Monday, Childabuse, Infanticide, If, war, Alzheimer’s, Should’ve, Truth, Shvitz, life, diarrhea, Alone, Mother-in-law, Darkness, Infinite, Traffic, Debt, Disease, Forgetfulness, Blood, Clowns.

No big deal, right? Here’s mine: Continue reading